
10 Starbucks Secrets Now Released To The Public

Everybody loves Starbucks! Not just because of the quality coffee that they offer but also their great customer service and ambient coffee shops. Consuming Starbucks products has also become a social status and this is why the giant coffee company continues to grow exponentially throughout the years.

Whether you’re studying, having a meeting or just chilling with your friends, Starbucks is the place to be. We have compiled a list of Starbucks Secrets that you need to know. Special thanks to Buzzfeed and Manila Standard Today for these wonderful Starbucks hacks.

We also have more food and drinks hacks for those who would want to pair their Starbucks drink with great food. If you want to take awesome Instagram pictures of your Starbucks drink, jemmrose fashion & travel has awesome Instagram photography tips and tricks. Enjoy guys!

1. Iced teas that are served are usually watered down. Want a stronger flavor? Ask the barista to serve your iced tea with no water. The barista would only add a small amount and your iced tea would have a stronger taste and aroma.

Starbucks life hacks 2015

2. Iced teas contains loads of cane sugar for taste. If you want a healthier option, ask your barista to serve your iced tea unsweetened or with honey.

Starbucks life hacks 2015

3. A cheaper alternative to a Chai Latte? Try ordering hot tea and chai teabags. Ask the barista to serve it with hot milk (though you’re most likely get only 4 oz of milk). Let the teabags steep longer and enjoy your cheaper Chai Latte!

Starbucks life hacks 2015

4. Try out Caramel Macchiato’s long lost twin: Marble Mocha Macchiato. It basically has more flavor and has a touch of mocha. 

Starbucks life hacks 2015

5. You can actually have your hot drinks served at a “kid’s temperature”. The barista would serve your drink at a tolerable temperature. No drink would be too hot anymore! Starbucks life hacks 2015

6. When you order a Chai Latte, it would always be served with added water to even out the taste. You can also ask the barista to serve the drink without water. In this way, your drink would have a richer cinnamon and chai flavor.

Starbucks life hacks 2015

7. Wondering what’s the best-tasting coffee in Starbucks? An Americano has the best-tasting coffee flavor (since it’s espresso based). Just add milk to your Americano and you’re in for a treat!

Starbucks life hacks 2015

8. If you’re staying at Starbucks for the whole day, you can order a Fresh Press of coffee. This option is cheaper than buying multiple drinks throughout the day. You can have any roast that you want but don’t rush the baristas since there are other customers too.

Starbucks life hacks 2015

9. If you want your frappucinno to have a stronger coffee taste, ask the barista for the “Affogato Style”. The Affogato Style is done by pouring the shot on top of your drink. Not only would it look cooler, your espresso shot would not go to waste (because every frappucinno made has leftovers in the blender).

Starbucks life hacks 2015

10. Tired of ordering “the usual”? Try out Startbuck’s hidden frappucinno menu. We recommend you to try their Franken Frappuccino and Butterbeer Frappucinno (Harry potter, anyone?).

Starbucks life hacks 2015

Franken Frappucinno

A blend of Green Tea Frappuccino (classic syrup substituted with three pumps of peppermint syrup), three pumps of white mocha sauce and java chips, and topped with whipped cream and mocha drizzle.

Starbucks life hacks 2015

Butterbeer Frappuccinno

The Harry Potter drink in Frappuccino form can be made with a Creme Frappuccino base flavored with three pumps each of caramel syrup and toffee nut syrup, and topped with caramel drizzle.


I bet you’re excited to visit the nearest Starbucks store near you. Try these Starbucks secrets, you won’t regret trying them. Comment your experiences below!


Source: Buzzfeed and Manila Standard Today